GEMS – – Match Making



Gem or Ratna literally means anything which is invaluable and is of great worth for the person possessing it. It reduces the bad qualities of the person while enhancing the good ones. Performing remedial measures & wearing gem for a planet also helps to increase the positive aspects of the planets in the horoscope.

Wearing Gemstones is a widely used technique of remedial measure. It increases the benefic aspects by absorbing rays of the planet and flowing them into the human body. It is a pretty good way to adopt for many who cannot get involved in Mantra Sadhana, or cannot afford other expensive measures.

The prescription of a Gem depends largely on the Astrologer’s keen observation and intuition power. It is never safe to wear any gem otherwise suggested by a good Astrologer. In order to prescribe any gem to any individual his or her birth chart need to be thoroughly examined.

If you wear Gemstones in any part of the body for beauty purposes, it is always good not to wear for a long period. In some cases, they are capable of giving powerful effects or harm within a span of time. So, please take extra care about these and do consult a knowledgeable Astrologer when you wish to get one.

Know about your GEM:

The prescription of a gem depends largely on the Astrologer’s keen observation and intuition power. It is never safe to wear any gem otherwise suggested by a good Astrologer. In order to prescribe any gem to any individual his or her birth chart need to be thoroughly examined.

If you wear gemstones in any part of the body for beauty purposes, it is always good not to wear for a long period. In some cases, they are capable of giving powerful effects or harm within a span of time. So, please take extra care about these and do consult a knowledgeable Astrologer when you wish to get one.

For accurate Gems remedies;

Send us the following details so that we can advice you about;

Gem which suits you, Metal in which it is to be worn, Weight of gem, Date, Time and related Mantras for wearing it.

For this you can contact us at