While giving Ashtak Varga Predictions in Astrology, we have to see the bindus contributed by the planets as well as bindus contained in the rashis. If a planet has more than 5 bindus and rashi has more than 28 bindus in Sarvashtakvarga it gives excellent results by the house concerned. More bindus the planet has, better are the results. A planet even though it might be exalted or in its own house, cannot confer full benefits unless it has requisite number of bindus in the Ashtakvarga.
Classical books say that when planets transit in the following houses they will give good results from Lagna, Moon and Sun lagnas:
What happened if these above houses do not have good strength? To check the strength of the houses and Planets we use Ashtaka Varga to find out the strength.
SAV is also known as Pindashtak varga or Sakalashak varga or Akhilashak varga or Vyuhashak varga or Mahashak varga or Samudayashak varga.
Important KEY Points:
It is not true now a days in our observation because 6th house is for competition or to fight back to gain some things, 8th house is for black money or inherited property, lottery, unearned income or gain all of sudden from shares etc and 12th house is gain from foreign country or multinational company.
See which group has more points, if it is inner self, then native will make money and become wealthy by his good deeds, learning, knowledgeable and charitable. If outer self is stronger, then native, is greedy, deceitful, worried man and do cheating.
1) 1 + 5 + 9 house is called BANDHU,
2) 2 + 6 + 10 houses is called SEVAKA,
3) 3 + 7 + 11 houses is called POSHAKA and
4) 4 + 8 + 12 houses are called GHATAKA.
BANDHU: if this group has more points than the others, then native will be wealthy, doing right Karma, charitable.
SEVAKA: native may be doing job, service, or money minded.
POSHAKA: may be indursitest or factory owner or employer
SEVAKA: native may be poor, beggar.
1). Add the points of Pisces to Gemini Rashi. It is called Childhood.
2). Add the points of Cancer to Libra Rashi. It is called Young age.
3). Add the points of Scorpio to Aquarius Rashi. It is called old age.
Whereas other classical books says that divide the horoscope into following way:-
1). Add the points of 1+2+3+4 houses. It is called childhood
2). Add the points of 5+6+7+8 houses. It is called young age
3). Add the points of 9+10+11+12 houses. It is called old age
Native will have comfort life, which group is stronger than the others are. Whereas some others classical books say that add the points from Rashi Pisces to Gemini, Cancer to Libra and Scorpio to Aquarius for Childhood, young age and old age
1) Add the points of 1+5+9 houses. It is called East direction
2) Add the points of 2+6+10 houses. It is called South direction
3) Add the points of 3+7+11 houses. It is called West direction
4) Add the points of 4+8+12 houses. It is called North direction
See which group has more points. If native goes towards that direction from his birthplace, then native will have success in his job.
Same way add the points from Lagna to Venus or Lagna to Jupiter or Lagna to Moon for good result.
If any house has following points, It will give following result as per the nature of the planets and Kartatva of the house. It started from 14 point to 48 point.
If 14 points: painful fear of death.
If 15 points: fear from the Govt.
If 16 points: Some misery.
If 17 points: Disease or loss of place
If 18 points: loss of money
If 19 points: Quarrelsome and troubles from relatives.
If 20 points: More expenditure, doing sinful acts.
If 21 points: Disease, loss of money and gains.
If22 points: loss of memory, weakness and troubles from relatives.
If 23 points: Many worries, pains, loss of gains
If 24 points: Loss of money all of sudden or over expenditure.
If 25 points: Misfortune from planets and house Kartatva nature.
If 26 points: Troublesome, dullness, fickle nature.
If 27 points: Over expenditure, worry, anxiety and unclear mind.
If 28 points: Gain of money but still not satisfied.
If 29 points: the native receives respect.
If 30 points: Auspicious results like native receives respect, honour and gain of wealth.
If 31 to 33 points: the native does good things to others and receives respects and honour.
If 34 to 40 points: Native gets all materials property.
If 41 points: great wealth and many sources of income.
If 42 points: Native gets all materials property, charitable, wealthy, loved by people.
If 43 points: Native gets all materials property from many sources and happiness.
If 44 to 45 points: Gains of wealth from many sources, receives honours and respects.
If 46 to 47 points: Native has all best qualities, doing auspicious activities.
If 48 and above points: Native has best qualities like a ruler, shows kindness to all, attached to Dharama, wise etc.
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